Andrew Darien

Professional Details

Title Associate Dean, Interim
Department College of Arts and Sciences
Office Meier Hall 204
Phone 978.542.7518
Photo of Andrew Darien

Recent and Upcoming Courses

CRJ 341 Policing in Us History
FYHI 100 First Year Seminar (history)
HST 200 Historiography
HST 341 Policing in U.s. History

Professional Biography

Professor of History & Interim Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences

Professional Interests

Modern United States History; Social and Political History; Oral History; New York City Police Department; Historical Methodology


Teaching Areas: Modern U.S. History, 1945-Present; Modern U.S. History, 1890-1945; Oral History; Seminar in 20th Century United States History; History of Policing and Violence; Historiography; Modern World History; The Sixties

Faculty Advisor, Phi Alpha Theta, History Honors Society  

Selected Publications

Student, Citizen, Soldier: Salem State University Oral History Project/Exhibit, 2007-Present

Review of Clarence Taylor, Fight the Power: African Americans and the Long History of Police Brutality in New York City in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Fall, 2019.

Review of Metropolitan Jews: Race, Politics, Race and Religion in Postwar Detroit by Lila Berman in The Journal of American History, December, 2016.

Building the Sacred and the Progressive: A History of Temple Sinai's First 75 Years, Temple Sinai of Brookline, 2014.

Becoming New York's Finest: Integration and Identity in the New York City Police Department, 1941-75, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013

"Hearts, Minds and Voices: Oral History in the Vietnam War," in eds. Tully, Masur, and Austin, Understanding and Teaching the Vietnam War, University of Wisconsin Press, 2013.

"Student, Citizen, Soldier: Oral History and Student Veterans," The Sextant, Spring 2010

"Historicizing & Humanizing Historians: Oral History and History Faculty," American Historical Association Perspectives, 2008

Book Review, White, Ethnic, New York: Jews, Catholics and the Shaping of Postwar Politics, by Joshua Zeitz, Kentucky Historical Society, Forthcoming, 2008

"The Alter Ego of the Patrolman: Policewomen and the Discourse of Difference in the New York City Police Department," in Women's Studies, 2002.

Review of Zero Tolerance: Quality of Life and the New Police Brutality in New York City, by Andrea McArdle (editor) in Contemporary Justice Review, Winter, 2002.

"Police Fraternity and the Politics of Race and Class in New York City, 1941-1960," Regional Labor History Review, Spring, 2000.

Selected Presentations

"Policing and Resistance in the Global 1950s to 1970s," American Historical Association," January 5, 2019,

"Situating the Self in Salem: Identify, Social Justice, and the Descendants of 1692," Oral History Association, October 12, 2018.

"How Society Remembers Veterans," American Historical Association," January 4, 2018.

Becoming New York's Finest", Keynote Speaker, The New England American Studies Association, Regis College, April 2, 2016.

“Policing, Incarceration and Social Justice: A Conversation with Sheriff Frank Cousins, Salem State University, November 2, 2015

“Ambivalent Jews: A History of Temple Sinai,” Oral History Association, Tampa, FL, October 15, 2015

“NYPD and the Crisis of Masculinity,” Invited Speaker, Babson College, March 23, 2015

“Race and Ethnicity in the NYPD in the 1960s” Conference on Blacks, Jews, and Social Justice in America,” Brandeis University, June 2014

Defining New York’s Finest," Researching New York, State University of New York at Albany, November 14, 2013

“Race and Policing in Postwar New York," African American Studies Program, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, November 7, 2013

“The Mystique about the Feminine Mystique: 50th Year Anniversary” Moderator and Convener, Panel Discussion, Salem State University, September 30, 2013

“Experiential Learning Through Oral History,” New England Faculty Development Conference, June 14, 2013, Westford, MA

"The Silent Majority Strikes Back: The Backlash of the New York Policemen's Benevolent Association," New England Historical Association, Boston, Fall 2011

"World Historians Speak Out: Pedagogy, Politics, and Perspectives," Documentary and Round Table Discussion, WHA Annual Meeting, San Diego, June 2010

"Local, National, and International: Strategies for Teaching World History through Local Sources," Mid-Atlantic World History Association, Florham Park, NJ, October 12-13, 2007

"Generational Links: The Craft of Oral History and the Salem State Oral History Project, "Oral History Association, Little Rock, AK, October 25-29, 2006

"The Double Victory Campaign: Black Soldiers and Police Officers During World War II," New England American Studies Conference, Portland, ME, September 25-26

"Identity in the NYPD," Boston Immigration and Urban Society, Boston, MA April 28, 2005

"Race, Rioting, and Police in New York City," Organization of American Historians, Memphis, TN, 2003

"The Forgotten Americans: Ethnic Networks and Labor in Postwar America"," North American Labor History Conference, Detroit, MI, October, 1999

"Engendering Labor: Identity and Work in 20th Century America," Women and Power Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, February, 1999

"Objectivity and Truth in Oral History: Interviewing Methodology With Members of the NYPD," Oral History Association, New Orleans, LA, September, 1997

"Patrolling the Borders: Identity and Patrol Work in the NYPD," Conference on New York State History, Saratoga Springs, NY, May, 1997