Ann Marie Gallo

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department Sport and Movement Science
Office O'Keefe Complex 120
Phone 978.542.7057
Photo of Ann Marie Gallo

Recent and Upcoming Courses

SMS 177 Introduction to Teaching Physical Education & Health Education
SMS 383 Assessment in Physical Education and Health Education
SMS 500 Directed Study in Sport & Movement Science
SMS 781 Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education
SMS 807 Assessment of Student Learning in Physical Education
SMS 876 Directed Study

Professional Interests


Undergraduate and Graduate Physical Education Teacher Education Coordinator

Selected Publications

Gallo, A. M., Sheehy, D., Bohler, H., & Richardson, K. (2015). “We’ve got next” - PETE faculty’s role in promoting professional learning. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 86(2), 29-33.

Sheehy, D.A., Bohler, H.R., Richardson, K., Gallo, A.M. (2015). Professional Learning Community: Thriving While Facing the Challenges of Faculty Life Together. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal, 8(1).

Gallo, A. M. (2013). Assessment: friend or foe? In L. Ciccomascolo & E. Sullivan (eds.),The Dimensions of Physical Education. Boston:Jones & Bartlett.

Gallo, A. M., Carr, M. T., & Gallo, J. A. (2010). The assessment journey: Defining & refining instrument dilemmas. Strategies, 23(5), 22-26.

Gallo, A. M., Sheehy, D., Patton, K., & Griffin L. L. (2006). Benefits and barriers to assessment: What are you committed to? Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance. 77(8), 46-50.

Selected Presentations

Gallo, A.M., Richardson, K., Bohler, H., Sheehy, D., El-Sherif, J. & Neutzling, M. (2017). Communities of Practice: A Dynamic Process for Mentoring PETE Faculty. SHAPE America Conference, Boston, MA.

Bohler, H., Sheehy, D., Gallo A.M., & Richardson, K. (2015). Sustained Mentorship through a Community of Practice. SHAPE America PETE Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Parker, M., Tannehill, D., MacPhail, A., Patton, K., Richardson, K., Sheehy, D., Bohler, H., & Gallo, A.M. (2014). Lifelong Professional Learning of Teacher Educators. Paper Presented at the AIESEP World Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.

Bohler, H., Sheehy, D., Gallo A.M., & Richardson, K. (2015). Sustained Mentorship through a Community of Practice. SHAPE America PETE Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Parker, M., Tannehill, D., MacPhail, A., Patton, K., Richardson, K., Sheehy, D., Bohler, H., & Gallo, A.M. (2014). Lifelong Professional Learning of Teacher Educators. Paper Presented at the AIESEP World Congress, Auckland, New Zealand.

Gallo, A. M., Ruseckas, D., & Nihan, G. (April 2013). Developing a Sequential K-12 Physical Education      Curriculum presented at the AAHPERD Convention, Charlotte, NC.

Bohler, H., Gallo, A. M., Sheehy, D. (April 2013). Teaching Games for Understanding: A Focus on Modified Games presented at the AAHPERD Convention, Charlotte, NC.