Darlene Crone-Todd

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department Psychology
Office Meier Hall 224F
Phone 978.542.7410
Email darlene.cronetodd@salemstate.edu
Photo of Darlene Crone-Todd

Recent and Upcoming Courses

PSY 299 Internship Preparation
PSY 328 Applied Behavior Analysis I
PSY 338 Applied Behavioral Analysis II
PSY 519 Internship Preparation
PSY 521 Applied Behavior Analysis Internship
PSY 540 Seminar: Topics in Psychology
PSY 727 Professional Development in Behavior Analysis
PSY 840 Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Applied Behavioral Analysis
PSY 842 Conceptual Issues in Behavior Analysis
PSY 875 Directed Study
PSY 898 Practical Application in Research I
PSY 899 Psychology Masters Thesis I
PSY 997 Special Topics in Behavior Analysis
PSY 998 Practical Application in Research II
PSY 999 Psychology Masters Thesis II

Professional Biography

Dr. Crone-Todd is a dedicated educational leader with a proven track record of fostering innovation, curriculum development, and promoting transformative teaching methods.  Experienced in effective leadership with collaborative teams, integrating leading-edge technologies, and championing initiatives that enhance the quality of education.


Full Professor, Psychology

Coordinator, Behavior Analysis Graduate Program


Selected Publications

DeSouza, A, & Crone-Todd, D. E. (January, 2024). Behavior Science in Higher Education: Applications to Teaching & Supervision. Vernon Press.

Crone-Todd, D. E., & Silva, F. J. (2023). Joseph J. Pear (1938-2022(: Inventive, innovative, inquisitive. The Psychological Record, 73 (4), 611-618. 

Crone-Todd, D. E., Johnson, D, & Johnston, K. (2022). Introduction to special issue: A creative collaboration. The Psychological Record. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40732-021-00503-9

Crone-Todd, D. E. (2018). In memoriam: Remembering Gerald "Jerry" Mertens. Operants: The B. F. Skinner Foundation Report, Q4, 8-9.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (2018). Spotlight on Gaslighting: A behavior analysis of unethical behavior. Operants: The B. F. Skinner Foundation Report, Q4, 30.

Dickstein-Fischer, L., Crone-Todd, D. E., Chapman, I. M., & Fathima, A. (2018). Socially assistive robots: current status and future prospects for autism interventions. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health, 5, 15-25.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (2018). Interview with Sofia Leite. Operants: The B. F. Skinner Foundation Report, Q1, 16-17, 20.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (2018). An example of using pop culture to teach undergraduates. Operants: The B. F. Skinner Foundation Report, Q1, 34.

Miller, P. M., & Crone-Todd, D. E. (2016). Comparing different ways of using the model of hierarchical complexity to evaluate graduate students. Behavioral Development Bulletin, 21, 223-239.

Commons, M. L., Crone-Todd, D. E., & Chen, S. J. (2014). Using SAFMEDs and direct instruction to teach the model of hierarchical complexity. The Behavior Analyst Today, 1-2, 31-45.

DeFulio, A., Crone-Todd, D. E., Long, L. L., & Silverman, K. (2011). Using words instead of randomly arranged characters as stimuli in a keyboarding training program improves fluency outcomes for adult learners. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44, 921-924.

Selected Presentations

Crone-Todd, D. E. (November, 2023). Using A.I. ethically and effectively. Invited panelist for virtual presentation to faculty and graduate students at Salem State University.

Dunn, J. S. (May, 2023). Algorithmic A.I. models for evaluating shaping procedures. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Denver, CO.

Jean, G. C. & Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2023). Interlocking contingencies: Understanding police interactions with African Americans. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis, Denver, CO.

Aliberte, L. A., Sirbu, O., & Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2022). Programmed equivalence-based self-instruction (PEBI) to teach behavior analytic concepts. Poster presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Boston, MA.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2022). Behavior analytic instruction in higher education. Invited symposium discussant at the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Bosto, MA.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2022). ABAI Accreditation: Program coordinators’ experiences. Invited panel participant at the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Boston, MA.


Crone-Todd, D. E. (October, 2021). Coming of age: Instructional design as a behavioral scientist. Invited presentation at the Nevada Association for Behavior Analysis (virtual).

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2021). Computer technology and the future of behavior analysis: A panel with discussion. Invited panelist for virtual presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May 2021). Cultural diversity and professional skills in higher education and supervision. Invited discussant for virtual presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2020). Behavior analysis in higher education: Basic principles teaching and supervision. Invited discussant for virtual presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International.

Crone-Todd, D. E., & Loring, R. (Oct, 2019). Interteaching, equivalence-based instruction, and outcomes. Symposium presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Stockholm, Sweden.  

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2019). A behavior analytic account of “creativity”. Invited panel discussion presentation at the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.

Crone-Todd, D. E. (May, 2019). Understanding complex rational stimulus control does not require a relational frame theory. Invited symposium discussant at the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.

Personal Interests

Innovation in teaching, artificial intelligence, and how these can both help shape the future in a more equitable, humane way.