Guy Bellino

Professional Details

Title Visiting Lecturer
Department Politics, Policy and International Relations
Office Meier Hall 333C
Photo of Guy Bellino

Recent and Upcoming Courses

POL 101 Understanding the Political World
POL 201 Introduction to American Politics
POL 219 Introduction to Public Policy
POL 300R Introduction to Research in Political Science
POL 304 Environmental Politics
POL 313 American Political Parties
POL 315 Public Administration

Professional Biography

Guy has a Ph.D. in Public Policy from Northeastern University and extensive experience teaching courses in American government, public policy, public administration, and research methods. He deeply values the importance of public higher education to society, the civic minded and student-centered history of a liberal arts degree, and believes that students can do almost anything with a political science degree. Guy focuses on pedagogical flexibility and focuses on making the classroom environment an accessible, equitable, and inclusive place for Salem State’s diversity of students. 

Currently, he serves as a Faculty Fellow at Salem State’s Center for Teaching Innovation working on the support of contingent faculty, teaching and learning, event coordination and FPLCs. For him, this role is also a rewarding pathway to forwarding a student-centered vision of higher education.   

He maintains steady service to the profession, Salem State, and public higher education in Massachusetts through his work as co-chair of Salem State’s Earth Days committee, environmental policy section chair of Northeastern Political Science Association, and consistent work on the integration of civically engaged principles in program and course design, public scholarship, and advocacy based learning.

Professional Interests

Guy’s scholarship is public and advocacy-oriented. He concentrates on environmental policy and justice, worker rights, and political action in Massachusetts. His work has been presented in various settings including invited lecture series, written legislative testimony, expert panel invitations, teaching and learning bulletins, conferences, and various workshops and events. He also forwards advocacy based learning and scholarship through his work in leadership and coordination of campus research symposia, student research competitions, and the development of civically-oriented programs and courses.     

Personal Interests

Guy is a father of two; all other personal interests are subordinate to this. When he can edge out time for himself he enjoys reading schlocky science fiction and fantasy, guitar, playing video games and board games, cooking, and fixing up his fixer-upper home.