Jayashree Ranga

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department Chemistry and Physics
Phone 978.542.2639
Email jayashree.ranga@salemstate.edu
Photo of Jayashree Ranga

Recent and Upcoming Courses

CHE 130 General Chemistry I
CHE 131 General Chemistry II
CHE 308 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry
CHE 441 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
CHE 560 Chemistry Seminar

Professional Biography


Post Doctoral Research, U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Doctor of Philosophy, Bangalore University, India.

Master of Science, Bangalore University, India

Bachelor of Science, Bangalore University, India.

Professional Interests

Dr. Ranga’s research is centered around exploring low-cost high impact interventions at Salem State University to promote long-term student success. She has adopted technology-infused teaching, semi-flipped classrooms, active/collaborative learning, and makeshift HyFlex classroom models in her courses. In collaboration with the Northeastern Section of American Chemical Society, she has engaged students in STEM outreach events at the Museum of Science, Boston.


Faculty inductee into the 2021 Salem State University Civic Engagement Hall of Fame, Apr 2021.

ACS Outreach Volunteer of the Year Award, Oct 2019.

ACS ChemLuminary award for Outstanding CCEW Community Involvement (NESACS section), Aug 2019.

ACS ChemLuminary award for Outstanding On-going CCED Event (NESACS section), Aug 2018.

American Chemical Society (ACS) Chemistry Ambassador Award, 2014.

Selected Publications

1. Investigating the Impact of Course Content Usage on Student Learning in Upper-Level Chemistry Courses (Article), J. S. Ranga, Journal of Chemical Education, 2022, 99 (5), 1563-1570 (Published in the Special Issue on Teaching Changes and Insights Gained in the Time after COVID-19 from the ACS & the ACS Division of Chemical Education).

2. Online Engagement of Commuter Students in a General Chemistry Course During COVID-19 (Communication), J. S. Ranga, Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 97 (9), 2866-2870 (Published in the Special Issue on Insights Gained While Teaching Chemistry in the Time of COVID-19 from the American Chemical Society & the ACS Division of Chemical Education Journal of Chemical Education).

3. Factors Influencing Student Learning in Semi-Flipped General Chemistry Courses. J. S. Ranga, Journal of Chemical Education, 2020, 97 (8), 2130-2139.

4. Reflection Activities in General Chemistry Laboratories: An Active Learning Strategy to Connect Laboratories with Lectures. J. Ranga, In S. K. Hartwell & T. Gupta (Eds.), Enhancing Retention in Introductory Chemistry Courses: Teaching Practices and Assessments, ACS Symposium Series, Chapter 10, 2019, 147-168 (2019).

5. ConfChem Conference on Mathematics in Undergraduate Chemistry Instruction: Impact of Quick Review of Math Concepts (Report), J. S. Ranga, Journal of Chemical Education, 2018, 95 (8), 1430-1431.

6. Multipurpose use of Explain Everything iPad app for teaching chemistry courses (Technology Report), J. S. Ranga, Journal of Chemical Education, 2018, 95 (5), 895-898 (Selected for Virtual Issue released during COVID-19 titled Resources for Teaching Your Chemistry Class Online: A Free to Read Collection from the American Chemical Society & the ACS Division of Chemical Education Journal of Chemical Education)

7. Impact of Quick Review of Math Concepts in General Chemistry Courses: Engaged Student Learning, J. Ranga, DivCHED Mathematics in First-Year Chemistry Instruction, 2017 Fall ConfChem, Oct 2017. 

8. Customized videos on a YouTube Channel: A Beyond the classroom Teaching and Learning Platform for General Chemistry courses (Article), J. S. Ranga, Journal of Chemical Education, 2017, 94 (7), 867-872.

9. Using color in lectures to aid student learning, J. S. Ranga, Chemistry Solutions, 3, Nuts & Bots, Nov 2016.

Personal Interests

Hiking, Gardening