Title | Professor |
Department | Politics, Policy and International Relations |
Office | Meier Hall 333B |
Phone | 978.542.2241 |
jennifer.jackman@salemstate.edu | |
Resume | Jennifer Jackman |
POL 201 | Introduction to American Politics |
POL 219 | Introduction to Public Policy |
POL 303 | Grassroots Politics |
POL 312 | American State and Local Government |
POL 315 | Public Administration |
POL 318 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights |
POL 319 | Public Policy and Legislative Analysis |
POL 329 | Wildlife and Public Policy |
POL 331 | Issues in American Politics and Policy |
POL 333 | Gender, Law and Policy |
POL 520 | Internship in Politics |
POL 600H | Honors Directed Study in Political Science |
Jennifer Jackman, Ph.D. is a Professor in the Department of Politics, Policy and International Relations at Salem State University. She joined the faculty in 2008. She teaches courses in American politics, policy, and law. Her background includes advocacy and scholarship in the areas of animal protection, human dimensions of wildlife, women’s rights, human rights and civic engagement. For decades, she worked for women's rights organizations at the local, state and national level. She worked in Kabul as the Research and Policy Advisor for the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. She also has taught at Westfield State College and Duquesne University's School of Leadership and Professional Advancement.
Professor Jackman is the Intern Coordinator for Political Science. She currently serves on the Salem State University's Civic Engagement Committee, Frederick Berry Institute for Politics Advisory Board, and on the university's Earth Day Planning Committee. She is the co-founder of the Human Dimensions of Wildlife Unit of the Bates Center for Public Affairs. In 2013, she was inducted into the Salem State University Civic Engagement Hall of Fame and Phi Kappa Phi Society. She is the Advisor for the Pre-Law Society. In 2012, she received the "Advisor of the Year" award for her work with the Political Science Academy. In addition to her Salem State University responsibilities, she teaches a graduate seminar each year in public policy analysis and mentors students at the Center for Animals and Public Policy at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. She also served on Gloucester's Animal Advisory Committee.
Jackman received her Ph.D. in social policy from Brandeis University and later earned a M.S. in animals and public policy from the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. She received her B.A. in government from Smith College.
Professor Jackman has studied attitudes towards wildlife on Cape Cod and the Islands for 18 years. Her publications on coyotes on Cape Cod include "Shifts in Attitudes Toward Coyotes on the Urbanized East Coast: The Cape Cod Experience, 2005–2012" and "Once I found out: Awareness of and attitudes toward coyote hunting policies in Massachusetts." Her research on attitudes towards seals on Nantucket was published in Marine Policy, "Conflict and consensus in stakeholder views of seal management on Nantucket Island, MA, USA."
Professor Jackman is the principal investigator for a collaborative research project on the attitudes of voters, commercial fishers and tourists toward seals and sharks on Cape Cod. The study, which is funded by Woods Hole Sea Grant, is a partnership among Salem State University, University of Massachusetts-Boston, Tufts Center for Animals and Public Policy, Center for Coastal Studies, Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, and Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen's Alliance. This study has produced three publications thus far. "Seals in the Marine Ecosystem: Attitudes, Ecological Benefits/Risks, and Lethal Management Views" was published in Human Dimensions of Wildlife. "Conflict with Rebounding Populations of Marine Predators: Management Preferences of Three Stakeholder Groups on Cape Cod, Massachusetts" was published in Ocean and Coastal Management. Biological Conservation published "Mutualism in marine wildlife value orientations on Cape Cod: Conflict and Consensus in the sea and on the shore." "Seals, sharks, and social identity: ocean management preferences and priorities" appears in Frontiers in Conservation Science. Jackman and colleagues have presented findings from this research to meetings of local, state and federal natural resource managers, select boards on Cape Cod, and at annual meetings of the New England Political Science Association and International Association for Society & Natural Resources as well as the International Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence in Oxford, U.K. Jackman also is a co-editor of Frontiers in Conservation Science's Research Topic on Rebounding Marine Mammal Species and Conservation Recovery Challenges.
Her publications on the feminist movement include articles on U.S. introduction of RU486 (Mifepristone) in Women & Politics and Cultural Strategies of Agenda Denial: Avoidance, Attacks and Redefinition. Her work contributed to the recent Sony Music podcast, Cover Up: The Pill Plot, and Abortion Pill: U.S. History and Politics, for both of which she was interviewed.
She also has published articles in Political Science Educator and Partnerships on civic engagement and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Professor Jackman's research interests include:
Animals and public policy
Attitudes toward wildlife
Relationship between social movements and political institutions
State wildlife policies related to large carnivores
Ballot measures
Marine wildlife
Gender gap in attitudes and voting
Online education
Experiential learning and civic engagement
I teach the following courses:
POL101 Introduction to Political Science
POL201 Introduction to American Politics
POL219 Introduction to Public Policy
POL291 Introduction to Political Science Research Methods
POL303 Grassroots Politics
POL312 American State and Local Government
POL315 Public Administration
POL318 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
POL319 Public Policy Analysis
POL329 Wildlife and Public Policy
POL331 Issues in American Politics and Policy (Variable Topics: Science, Politics and Public Policy, Wildlife and Public Policy, and Voting Rights)
POL333 Gender, Law and Policy
FYPO First Year Seminar (Animals & Society)
POL500 Directed Study
POL520 Internship in Politics
My courses often include moot court, public meeting, and congressional hearing simulations, debates, guest speakers, and partnerships with non-profit organizations.
Bratton, R., Dowling-Guyer, S., Vaske, J., & Jackman, J. (2024). Seals, sharks, and social identity: ocean management preferences and priorities. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 5, 1390680.
Jackman, J. L., Vaske, J. J., Dowling-Guyer, S., Bratton, R., Bogomolni, A., & Wood, S. A. (2024). Seals and the Marine Ecosystem: Attitudes, Ecological Benefits/Risks and Lethal Management Views. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 29:2, 142-158.
Jackman, J. L., Bratton, R., Dowling-Guyer, S., Vaske, J. J., Sette, L., Nichols, O. C., & Bogomolni, A. (2023). Mutualism in marine wildlife value orientations on Cape Cod: Conflict and consensus in the sea and on the shore. Biological Conservation, 288, 110359.
Bratton, R., Jackman, J. L., Wood, S. A., Dowling-Guyer, S., Vaske, J. J., Bogomolni, A., ... & Sette, L. (2023). Conflict with rebounding populations of marine predators: Management preferences of three stakeholder groups on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Ocean and Coastal Management, 244, 106800.
Jackman, J., Bratton, R., Sette, L., Wood, S., Bogomolni, A., Sanderson, M., Nichols, O., Winton, M., Long, M., Dowling-Guyer, S., Sykes, S., Wigren, C., Rutberg, A., Baseman, D., Cummings, C., Bramante, V., & Kako, V. (2022). Human dimensions of rebounding populations of seals and sharks on Cape Cod. Woods Hole Sea Grant. https://seagrant.whoi.edu/sealshark/
Jackman, J., Bettencourt, L., Vaske, J., Sweeney, M., Bloom, K., Rutberg, A., & Brook, B. (2018). Conflict and consensus in stakeholder views of seal management on Nantucket Island, MA, USA. Marine Policy 95, 166-173.
Jackman, J. & Way, J. (2018). Once I found out: Awareness of and attitudes toward coyote hunting policies in Massachusetts. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 23:2.
Jackman, J. and Rutberg, A. (2015). Shifts in attitudes toward Coyotes on the urbanized East Coast: The Cape Cod Experience, 2005-2012.” Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20:4, 333-348.
Jackman, J. (2015). Endangered species, habitat protection, and politics. American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Jackman, J., Chenault, T. G. & J. Winkler. (2015). Bringing organizations back in: Perspectives on service learning, community partnership, and democratic thinking in a voter engagement project. Partnerships: A Journal of Service Learning and Community Engagement, 6:1, 77-99.
Jackman, J. (2012). Benefits and challenges of a short-duration experiential learning opportunity. Political Science Educator, 16(1), pp. 11-15.
Jackman, J. (2010). Animal policy and the gender gap. In Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animals Welfare, ed. Marc Bekoff. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Jackman, J. & A. Rowan, eds. (2009.) Proceedings from the National Technology Assessment Workshop on Animal Assisted Programs for Youth At Risk, December 6-7, 2007. Washington, DC: Humane Society of the United States.
Jackman, J. (2009). Current and best practices of dog training programs for at risk youth: Survey report. In Proceedings from the National Technology Assessment Workshop on Animal Assisted Programs for Youth At Risk, ed. J. Jackman and A. Rowan. Washington, DC: Humane Society of the United States.
Jackman, J. & A. Rowan. (2007). Free-roaming dogs in developing countries: The public health and animal welfare benefits of capture, neuter, and return programs.” In State of the Animals 2007, eds. Deborah Salem and Andrew Rowan. Washington, D.C.: Humane Society Press.
Jackman, J. (2002). Anatomy of a feminist victory: Winning the transfer of RU 486 patent rights to the United States, 1988-1994. Women & Politics. Washington, D.C.: Haworth Press.
Jackman, J. (1999). 1997 National clinic violence survey report: A five year analysis of anti-abortion violence trends. In Conference Proceedings of Women’s Progress: Perspectives on the Past, Blueprint for the Future, Institute for Women’s Policy Research Fifth Women’s Policy Research Conference, June 12-13, 1999.
Jackman, J. (1999). “Releasing a medical breakthrough for women: Feminist movement strategies to bring RU 486 to the United States.” In Conference Proceedings of Women’s Progress: Perspectives on the Past, Blueprint for the Future, Institute for Women’s Policy Research Fifth Women’s Policy Research Conference.
Jackman, J. (1997). Blue smoke, mirrors, and mediators: The symbolic contest over RU 486. In The Politics of Agenda Denial, eds. Roger Cobb and Marc Howard Ross. Kansas: University of Kansas Press.
Jackman, J. (1994). Feminism, Direct Democracy, and Power: The Effectiveness of Abortion Rights Ballot Measure Campaigns in Oregon, 1978-1990. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Dissertation Information Service.
Jackman, J. & Bratton, R. (2023). Views of Rebounding Populations of Seals and White Sharks Among Residents, Commercial Fishers and Tourists on Cape Cod, MA: Findings from a Community-based Research Project. International Association for Society & Natural Resources Annual Meeting, Portland, ME, June 14.
Jackman, J., Bratton, R., Vaske, J., Dowling-Guyer, S., and Wood, S. Mutualism in Marine Wildlife Value Orientations on Cape Cod: Conflict and Consensus in the Sea and on the Shore. Pathways 2023: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Fort Collins, CO, May 31.
Jackman, J., Dowling-Guyer, S. and Vaske, J. (2023) Seals, Sharks and the Marine Ecosystem: Attitudes, Ecological Benefits and Lethal Management Views. New England Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Mystic, CT, April 22.
Jackman, J. & Bogomolni, A. (2023). Surfacing Voices: Community Engagement and Research for Human-Seal Coexistence. International Conference on Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence, Oxford, U.K., April 1.
Jackman, J. & L. Bettencourt. (2019). Villains, Victims & Heroes: Seals as Stakeholders, Target Groups and Characters in Nantucket. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 29.
Jackman, J. (2018). Stakeholder Views of Seals on Nantucket, MA: Lessons learned for co-existence. Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium Biennial Meeting. New Bedford, MA, April 27.
Jackman, J. (2018). Seals, Science, and Management: Where Research and Reason Meet. Panel Participant. Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium Biennial Meeting. New Bedford, MA, April 27.
Jackman, J. (2018) Changing Public Views of Large Carnivores. Compassionate Conservation: Rethinking Large Carnivore Policies in Massachusetts Forum. Salem, MA, April 23.
Jackman, J. (2018) Will public policy catch up?: Changing views of wildlife policy. Explorers Lifelong Learning Institute. Salem, MA, April 29.
Jackman, J. (2017). Voter, angler and tourist views of human-seal interactions on Nantucket Island: Conflicts, consensus and policy implications. 2017 Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, October 24.
Jackman, J. & Bettencourt, L. (2017). Stakeholder views of seals, conflicts and public policy. Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, April 21.
Jackman, J. (2017). Public Perceptions: survey of public values and perceptions. Annual Meeting of the Marine Mammal Commission, April 6. https://www.mmc.gov/events-meetings-and-workshops/marine-mammal-commission-annual-meetings/2017-annual-meeting/
Jackman, J. (2015). Addressing perception vs. reality: How data (or lack of data) affects public perceptions and management decisions. Panel Participant. Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium Meeting on Seals and Ecosystem Health. Salem State University, May 2.
Jackman, J. (2015) Coyotes & bobcats & bears, Oh my!: Why public policy matters to wildlife in Massachusetts. Darwin Festival, Salem State University, February 12.
Jackman, J. & Bridgers, J. (2014). The other animal: Human-coyote conflict, pet ownership and the 'pet gap' in attitudes among Cape Cod, MA voters. Pathways 2014: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Estes Park, CO.
Jackman, J. (2014). Treating coyotes like Cape Codders: The increasing acceptance of coyotes as part of the social and ecological landscape of Cape Cod, 2005-2012. 20th International Symposium on Society and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany.
Jackman, J. & Martell, P. (2014). Mapping human-coyote interactions on Cape Cod: An interdisciplinary endeavor. Faculty and Graduate Research Symposium, Salem State University. May 2.
Jackman, J. & Martell, P. (2014). Landscape factors and human-coyote interactions on Cape Cod.” Cape Cod Natural History Conference, Barnstable, MA.
Jackman, J. (2013). “The mystique about the Feminine Mystique: 50th anniversary panel discussion.” Salem State University, September 30.
Jackman, J. (2013). Human-wildlife conflicts on Cape Cod: A survey of voter experiences, attitudes and policy preferences.” 18th Annual Cape Cod Natural History Conference, Barnstable, MA.
Jackman, J. (2013). Coexisting with coyotes? Findings from the Cape Cod wildlife survey. Cape Wildlife Center Lecture Series, Cummaquid, MA.
Jackman, J. (2012). Experiential learning and political engagement in online courses. Paper presented at Northeast Political Science Association 2012 Meeting, Boston, MA.
Jackman, J. (2012). When virtuality and reality meet: Online courses, experiential learning and political engagement. Paper presented at 2012 American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, Washington, DC.
Jackman, J. (2012). Benefits and challenges of a short-duration experiential learning opportunity. Political Science Educator, 16(1), pp. 11-15.
Jackman, J. (2011). The gender gap and animal policy: New directions for political science and animal studies. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the New England Political Science Association, Hartford, Connecticut.
Jackman, J. (2011). Making it real: Simulations and role-play as active learning strategies. Center for Teaching Innovation, Salem State University, March 28.
Jackman, J. (2011). Mini-Internships, public administration and civic engagement: The benefits and challenges of a short-duration experiential learning opportunity. Paper presented at 2011 American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Conference, February 11-13, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Jackman, J. (2010). Interest groups, citizen participation mechanisms, and institutional bias in state wildlife policy. Paper presented at Northeast Political Science Association 2010 Meeting, Boston, MA.
wildlife watching; canoeing; snow shoeing