Jian Gu

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department Management
Office Classroom Building 221
Phone 978.542.6660
Email jian.gu@salemstate.edu
Resume Jian Gu
Photo of Jian Gu

Recent and Upcoming Courses

BUS 470 Business Policy & Strategy
BUS 790 Internship in Business
BUS 840 Managing in the Global Business Environment
BUS 870 Business Policy and Strategy
BUS 875 Directed Study
ENT 485 Internship in Entrepreneurship
MGT 472 Transnational Management
MKT 485 Internship in Marketing

Professional Biography

1994 BS degree in International Economics from Nankai Univ., China

1996. MS degree in International Business from Nankai Univ., China.

Coming from China to the U.S. in 1996.

1997-2003 PhD degree from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Teaching as an assistant professor from 2002.

Tenured and Promoted to the rank of associate professor in 2008.

Promoted to the rank of full professor in 2016.

Professional Interests

Cross-Border mergers and acquisitions, social media marketing, strategic management


Business Policy and Strategy at both undergraduate and MBA level

Transnational Management

International Business

Selected Publications

"Strategic Modularization and Performance Implications in the Brazilian Automotive Industry" (second author), International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management Vol. 5 #4, pp430-460, 2005. "Links Between Acquiring Firm Resources and International Diversification Strategy in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions", submitted to Journal of International Management. It is currently under review. "Distribution system Choice in Service Industries: An Analysis of the International Insurance Market", coauthor with Ronaldo Parente and Choi, currently under the first round review at Journal of International Management.

Selected Presentations

"Independent Agents or Direct Writing? Distribution System Choices by Multinational Insurance Firms" (coauthor with Ronaldo Parente and Paul Choi), presented at the Academy of International Business international annual conference in Quebec City, Canada in July 2005 "Fit Between Resources, Diversification Strategy, and Performance in Cross-Border Acquisitions", presented at Academy of Management national annual conference in New Orleans, LA in August 2004 "Performance of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions", presented at Academy of Management national annual conference in Seattle, WA in August 2003 "Links Between Acquiring Firm Resources and International Diversification Strategy in Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions", presented at Academy of Management national annual conference in Washington DC in August 2001 "Evaluating Trust as an Alternative to Control Mechanisms in International Joint Ventures", presented at Eastern Academy of Management annual conference in New York in May 2001

Personal Interests

travel, European history, military affairs, arts