Jonathan Lukens

Professional Details

Title Visiting Lecturer
Department School of Social Work

Recent and Upcoming Courses

SWK 382 Social Work Research Methods II
SWK 818A Integrated Practice and Theory for Adults and Families I
SWK 818B Integrated Practice and Theory for Adults and Families II
SWK 846 Health and Behavioral Health Policy and Services

Professional Biography

2012-Present      Assistant Professor, Salem State University, School of Social Work 

2009-2012           Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy and Practice 


2012    University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy and Practice.

            Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare. 

2012     University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Ethics. 

            Master of Bioethics

2007      University of Pennsylvania, School of Social Policy and Practice

             Master of Social Work

2003      Rocky Mountain College

             B.A. Philosophy, minor in individualized program of study in ancient Greek 

             language, art, and literature.

Professional Interests

Mental health policy and service delivery systems, especially for persons with severe mental illness; health policy, social welfare economics, applied ethics in behavioral health, social work values and ethics, quantitative research methods. 

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed

Lukens, J. & Solomon, P. (2013) Thinking through recovery: Resolving ethical challenges and promoting social

work values in mental health services. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics,10(1).

Pouncey, C. and Lukens, J. (2010) Madness versus badness: The ethical tension

between recovery and forensic psychiatry. Journal of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.

Book Chapters

Solomon, P, and Lukens, J. (2009) Mental Health Policy since 1950 in Paul Quirk &

William Cunion (Eds.) Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local

Government. New York: Facts on File.

Other Publications

Culhane, D. Fantuzzo, J., Rouse, H., Tam, V. and Lukens, J. (2008). Creating Beneficial

Connections: The Promise of Integrated Data Systems for Policy Analysis and Systems Reform. Chicago:

The MacArthur Foundation.

Under Review

Matejkowski, J., Henwood, B., Lee, S., & Lukens, J. Perceptions of health as a mediating factor in the relationship

between psychiatric symptoms and quality of life for individuals in supportive housing.

Selected Presentations

2012 ScattergoodEthics

What is recovery? Ethical challenges and clinical transformations.

(with Phyllis Solomon, PhD)

2012 American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting

Resolving Ethical Challenges and Promoting Mental Health Recovery (with Phyllis

Solomon, PhD)

2011 Community Behavioral Health, Philadelphia

Social work perspectives on cluster B personality disorders: Judgment or justice?

Personal Interests

Running, cycling, camping and hiking, woodworking, homebrewing