Joseph Buttner

Professional Details

Title Professor Emeritus
Department Biology
Office Meier Hall 538C
Phone 978.542.6703
Resume Joseph Buttner
Photo of Joseph Buttner

Recent and Upcoming Courses

BIO 323 Fish Biology
BIO 408 Research in Biology
BIO 705N Topics in Aquaculture

Professional Biography

Position: Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences; Program Coordinator, Northeastern Massachusetts Aquaculture Center; and Outreach Specialist, Cat Cove Marine Laboratory

Education: B.Sc. Biology, Loyola University of Chicago, IL M.Sc. Biology, Loyola University of Chicago, IL Ph.D. Zoology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL

Professional Interests

dr. joe is a AFS Certified Fisheries Scientist with an aquaculture specialization. His research and extension efforts target freshwater and marine organisms, finfish and shellfish, open, semi-closed and closed systems. Teaching responsibilities include all aquaculture courses (Introduction to Aquaculture, Aquaculture Methods, Advanced Aquaculture, Internship in Aquaculture), Fish Biology, Senior Seminar, and Diversity of Life as well as graduate courses (Topics in Aquaculture and Estuarine Ecology). For a synopsis of recent and on-going activities, please visit our website:

Selected Publications

dr joe has authored in excess of 100 publications, half peer reviewed and half technical/lay papers

Selected Presentations

dr joe has delivered in excess of 100 presentations before professional, technical and lay audiences, including: