Title | Professor |
Department | Politics, Policy and International Relations |
Office | Meier Hall 333E |
Phone | 978.542.7435 |
kanishkan.sathasivam@salemstate.edu | |
Resume | Kanishkan Sathasivam |
POL 101 | Understanding the Political World |
POL 251 | Introduction to International Relations |
POL 340 | American Foreign Policy |
POL 344 | China and America in the Contemporary World |
POL 346 | American National Security Policy |
POL 356 | International Security and Conflict Resolution |
POL 360 | International Relations and the Global Economy |
POL 362 | Globalization and Geopolitics in the 21st Century |
POL 375 | Politics of the Middle East |
POL 400 | Capstone Seminar in Political Science |
POL 500 | Directed Study in Political Science |
Kanishkan Sathasivam received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Texas A&M University. He also has an M.S. degree from the University of Tennessee and a B.S. degree from Saint Louis University, both of these in Aerospace Engineering. He is a professor of Political Science and department chair at Salem State University in Salem, Massachusetts, where he teaches numerous courses in International Relations and especially in the areas of international security, international political economy, and foreign policy analysis. His research interests include the enduring rivalry between India and Pakistan, rivalry and conflict in Asia and the Middle East, the geopolitics of established and emerging major powers, and nuclear weapons proliferation. His publications include two monographs, Uneasy Neighbors: India, Pakistan and US Foreign Policy (2005) and Keeping Up with the Joneses: Modeling Arms Races as Multi-State System Processes (2009). He has also provided academic consultant services to National Security Innovations, Inc. and Science Applications International Corporation.
Nuclear weapons proliferation and counter-proliferation
Great Power geopolitics and rivalry among the United States, China and Russia
The geopolitics of the newly emerging powers
The enduring rivalry between India and Pakistan
International security and foreign policy processes in Asia and the Middle East
Multi-state arms race processes
Political risk assessment
Courses taught at Salem State University:
POL 101 Understanding the Political World
POL 110 Honors Understanding the Political World
POL 251 Introduction to International Relations
POL 271 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POL 300 Introduction to Research in Political Science
POL 340 American Foreign Policy
POL 352 Issues in International Relations
POL 354 International Cooperation and Governance
POL 356 International Security and Conflict Resolution
POL 360 International Relations and the Global Economy
POL 362 Globalization and Geopolitics in the 21st Century
POL 374 Politics of India and South Asia
POL 375 Politics of the Middle East
POL 379 Politics of the Developing Countries
POL 400 Capstone Seminar: Topics in Political Science
POL 500 Directed Study in Political Science
Sathasivam, Kanishkan (2012). “Does Pakistan Have a Foreign Policy?” Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) & Minerva Research Initiative, South Asia Stability Assessment Academic Consortium, 31 October 2012, ed. George Popp, Carley St. Clair and Sarah Canna. Washington, DC and Boston, MA: National Security Innovations, Inc.
Sathasivam, Kanishkan (2009). Keeping Up with the Joneses: Modeling Arms Races as Multi-State System Processes. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM.
Sathasivam, Kanishkan (2007). “Afghanistan.” In Civil Wars of the World: Major Conflicts Since World War II – Volume I, ed. Karl DeRouen, Jr. and Uk Heo. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Sathasivam, Kanishkan (2005). Uneasy Neighbors: India, Pakistan and US Foreign Policy.Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Sathasivam, Kanishkan (2005). “Pakistan.” In Defense and Security: A Compendium of National Armed Forces and Security Policies – Volume II, ed. Uk Heo and Karl DeRouen, Jr. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Sathasivam, Kanishkan, and Sahar Shafqat (2003). “In India’s Shadow: The Evolution of Pakistan’s Security Policy.” In Conflict in Asia: Korea, China–Taiwan, and India–Pakistan, ed. Uk Heo and Shale A. Horowitz. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Sathasivam, Kanishkan (2003). “‘No Other Choice’: Pakistan’s Decision to Test the Bomb.” In Integrating Cognitive and Rational Theories of Foreign Policy Decision Making, ed. Alex Mintz. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Music: blues, classic rock, zydeco, calypso
Football: college and NFL
Science fiction and fantasy, including playing CRPGs