Lisa Delissio

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department Biology
Office Meier Hall 247
Phone 978.542.6532
Resume Lisa Delissio
Photo of Lisa Delissio

Recent and Upcoming Courses

BIO 118H Honors Biology: Explorations in Botany
BIO 208 Environmental Problems: An Ecological Approach
BIO 218 Ecology & the Environment
BIO 300 Botany
BIO 301 Conservation Biology
BIO 407 Directed Study in Biology
BIO 408 Research in Biology
BIO 416 Biology Internship

Professional Biography

Dr. Delissio received her B.S. in Biology from Tufts University where she was first introduced to tropical ecology. She then worked as a laboratory technician at M.I.T. where the C. elegans DNA she sequenced contributed to Nobel Prize-winning work on programmed cell death. She went on to complete her Ph.D. in Biology at Boston University where she studied tropical forest ecology in Malaysian Borneo with Richard Primack, one of the world's leading Conservation Biologists. She is a tenured Professor of Biology, and in this role leads the scientific research on the recently accredited F. Carroll Sargent Arboretum. Dr. Delissio serves as a consultant to screenwriters through the Science & Entertainment Exchange of the National Academy of Sciences.

Professional Interests

Plant ecology and conservation; Botanical gardens and arboreta; Lives and work of historical women botanists


Professor of Biology 


Selected Publications

see C.V. (linked above)

Selected Presentations

see C.V. (linked above)