Lorri Krebs

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department Geography and Sustainability
Office Meier Hall 326B
Phone 978.542.7644
Email lorri.krebs@salemstate.edu
Photo of Lorri Krebs

Recent and Upcoming Courses

GPH 105 Foundations of Global Studies: People, Place, and Environment
GPH 229 Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean
GPH 246 Parks and Protected Areas
GPH 247 Recreating Spaces: Exploring Climate Change and Recreation"
GPH 248 Ecotourism
GPH 261 Geography of Tourism
GPH 302 Geographic Research
GPH 315 Geography and the Global Economy
GPH 364 Special Events and Festivals
GPH 373 Land Use Planning and Analysis
GPH 400 Directed Study in Geography
GPH 402 Study-travel Seminar
GPH 410 Internship in Geography
GPH 600H Honors Directed Study in Geography

Professional Biography

Lorri Krebs is a Professor in Geography and Sustainability at Salem State University, Massachusetts where she specializes in sustainability and tourism, economic development, community identity and data analysis.  She hold a Masters Degree with an emphasis on ecosystem approaches, parks and protected areas as well as a Ph.D. with an emphasis on technology, tourism, marketing tools, and decision-making. She has extensive international employment experience across various fields in Switzerland, Mexico and Canada. Current research interests include climate change and sustainability, ecotourism, snow sports industry and workforce development.

Dr. Krebs is the appointed Executive Director of Salem State's Center for Economic Development and Sustainability (CEDS) where much of the grant-funded projects aid non-profit organizations, municipalities and regions in economic development initiatives, data gathering and analysis.

Professional Interests

My areas of interest and expertise are varied. The focus of my current research examines climate change and its impacts on tourism, the future of recreation and tourism snow-based activities, and strategies employed regionally in pursuit of local economic development. 

Other areas of interest which I am pursuing for future research and publication surround experiential learning and expand on our longitudinal study exploring Quality of Life and include GIS and economic cluster growth.


I am currently teaching both undergraduate and graduate community development, tourism and economic related courses in the Department of Geography and Sustainability, although I enjoy teaching regional courses such as the Caribbean and the Geography of Canada. I also lead a Travel Seminar, and coordinate related trips to places such as Nice, France; Athens, Greece and Walt Disney World. In addition, I instruct Graduate GIS courses related to computer modelling.

Coordinating Internships for both graduate and undergraduate students has been a very rewarding responsibility and students have had some wonderful opportunities to work with our industry partners such as: The Hawthorne Hotel; Destination Salem; MOTT; North of Boston CVB; Foxwoods Casino; Mohegan Sun Casino; Salem Waterfront Hotel; Burton's Grill; Holiday Inn; Marriott Hotels; P.F. Chang; Salem Main Streets; Ipswich Visitor Center - just to name a few.

I am always available to speak with students interested in our undergraduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Development or graduate work bridging GIS with community planning, tourism or climate change and sustainability.

 As the appointed Executive Director of the Center for Economic Development & Sustainability (CEDS), I have become more involved in community service, and as a regional resource and grants interface between non-profits and academia. Many local businesses, organizations, cities and towns have already become involved with CEDS initiated projects and we continue to seek out opportunities to collaborate with partners to benefit the North Shore, Massachusetts and beyond.