Luke Conlin

Professional Details

Title Associate Professor
Department Chemistry and Physics
Office Meier Hall 540C
Phone 978.542.3018
Resume Luke Conlin
Photo of Luke Conlin

Recent and Upcoming Courses

CHE 572 Chemistry Research I
PHS 212A College Physics II
PHS 221 General Physics I With Calculus
PHS 222 General Physics II With Calculus
PHS 307 Principles of Astronomy
PHS 311 General Physics III
PHS 570 Directed Study in Physics

Professional Biography

I am passionate about teaching physics and astronomy.  I coordinate the university's Collins observatory on the roof of Meier Hall.  In my teaching, my approach is to make space for students' thinking and help them connect their ideas and experiences to understand complex phenomena. In my research, I study how science learners get comfortable making sense of the world with their own ideas, both in the classroom and beyond. 

Professional Interests

Physics Education Research; The Learning Sciences; Scientific Sensemaking; Epistemic Emotions; Group Work; Quantitative Inquiry-Based Physics Labs; Learning Astronomy in Informal Environments.

Active Research Projects:

  • DC-Models (NSF DRK12) - A collaboration with MIT and Washington, DC Public Schools to integrate computational modeling in high school STEM classrooms
  • Solve-It: Assessing and Supporting Algebra Skills in Physics
  • Family Astronomy Workshops
  • Pedagogical Innovations in Physics Classrooms
  • Want to get involved with one of these research projects? Email me!

    Interested in getting involved in education research, but don't know how to start?  Come to the SSU-PER DBER Group (pronounced "Super Duper Group") weekly meeting!  Email me for details!


    Department Coordinator, Collins Observatory

    Selected Publications

    Conlin, L. D., Kuo, E., & Hallinen, N. R. (2019). How null results can be significant for physics education research. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 15(2), 020104.

    Conlin, L.D. & Scherr, R.E. (2018). Making space to sensemake: The use of epistemic distancing to construct a safe space to discuss ideas in science. Cognition and Instruction, 36(4), 396-423. DOI: 10.1080/07370008.2018.1496918

     (Online access available at