Megan Murphy

Professional Details

Title Assistant Professor
Department Childhood Education and Care
Office Sullivan Building 205B
Phone 978.542.2660
Photo of Megan Murphy

Recent and Upcoming Courses

EDC 120 Justice in Education
EDC 405 Foundations of Culturally Responsive Teaching
EDC 432 Fieldwork Seminar Ii: Critical Issues and Effective Practices in the Early Primary Grades
EDC 721 Social Studies and Creative Arts Methods in Early Childhood
EDC 733 Seminar Iii: Crt for Ece Classrooms
EDC 753 Field Seminar Iii: Crt for Eled Classrooms
EDC 829 Pre-kindergarten/kindergarten Practicum
EDC 834 First/second Grade Practicum
EDG 705 Culturally Responsive Teaching
EDG 805 Practicum Seminar in Culturally Responsive Teaching
EDU 310 Issues in Urban Education
EDU 415 Internship in Community Education
EDU 500 Directed Studies in Education I
EDU 600H Honors Research Seminar in Education
EDU 920X Practicum in Early Childhood Education
EEC 305 Understanding Infant and Toddler Development
EEC 310 Methods for Early Intervention Services
EEC 312 Collaborating With Families With Young Children
EEC 810 Methods for Early Intervention Services


Faculty Fellow, Center for Civic Engagement

Lead Faculty, School and Community Partnerships

Interim Coordinator, Early Education and Care

Coordinator, Massachusetts Children's Book Award

Selected Publications

Childress, D.C. & Schumaker-Murphy, M. (under review). Tele-Intervention during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned from Early Intervention Practitioners. Journal of Early Intervention.

Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2023). Supporting Male Caregivers in EI Home Visits. Young Exceptional Children, 26(2),


Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2023). Pairing standardized scale with observation. In P. Brillante, J.J. Chen, S. Cuevas, C. Dundorf, E.B. Hoffman, D.R. Meier, G. Mindes, & L.R. Roy (eds.) Casebook: Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood Programs serving children birth through age 8. National Association for the Education of Young Children

Schumaker- Murphy, M. & Hansra, R.  (2020) The strength in strategy: Planning for high quality professional learning communities.  In G. Mindes (ed.) Contemporary challenges in teaching young children: Meeting the needs of students. New York, NY: Routledge

Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2020). Practical strategies for navigating complex systems. In G. Mindes (ed.) Contemporary challenges in teaching young children: Meeting the needs of students. New York, NY: Routledge

Schumaker- Murphy, M. (2017). Collaborating for success. In G. Mindes (ed.) Teaching Children with Challenging Behaviors. New York, NY: Routledge

Selected Presentations

Childress, D.C, Parks, S., Schumaker-Murphy, M. & Frick, T. (2023). What Do We Know About Early Intervention Special Instructors? Presentation for the 2023 Council for Exceptional Children’s Division for Early Childhood Annual Conference.

Ernest, B. & Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2023) Using Universal Design for Learning to enhance Culturally Responsive Teaching for Students with Disabilities. Presentation for the 2023 Annual Conference for the Massachusetts Council for Exceptional Children.

Schumaker-Murphy, M. & Mark, C. (2023). Working Toward Anti-Racist Community Engaged Pedagogy: A Case Study. Presented at the 2023 Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Meeting Organized by AASCU and NASPA. 

Childress, D.C. & Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2022). Lessons from the Field: Challenges and Triumphs in Virtual EI Service Provision. Presented at the 2022 Joint International Society for Early Intervention and Division for Early Childhood Conference.

Schumaker-Murphy, M. & Pomerantz, F. (2022). Noticing Bias in the work of preservice teachers and planning for the future. Paper presented at the 2022 American Education Researcher Association Annual Meeting

Childress, D.C. & Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2022, May 24). Culturally Sustaining Coaching Approaches. [webinar]. In OneOp (FKA Military Families Learning Network) Going Virtual Series.

Childress, D.C. & Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2022, March 23). Creating Equity During Family Visits [webinar]. In OneOp (FKA Military Families Learning Network) Going Virtual Series.

Schumaker-Murphy, M. & Childress, D.C. (2021). EI Provider experiences with Telehealth during COVID-19. Poster presented at the 37th annual Council for Exceptional Children: Division for Early Childhood Conference

Schumaker-Murphy, M. & Pomerantz, F. (2021). Surfacing and responding to bias in the work of pre-service teachers. Virtual 2021 conference of MACTE, MAECTE, & COMTEC: Deepening our Understanding: Building a Stronger Community for Justice in Education.

Childress, D.C., Schumaker-Murphy, M., & Patterson, K.  (2021, May 4). Tele-Intervention in Virginia: Data, Challenges, Hope, & Advice from Practitioners [webinar]. In Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center Talks on Tuesday Webinar Series.  

Harris, N., Duhaylongsod, L., Schumaker-Murphy, M., & Noonan, J. (2021). “Capital”izing on Cultural Wealth and Sense of Belonging: Narratives of Successful Students of Color in a Teacher Preparation Program. Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2020, February 4). Dads matter: Why and how to include them in routines-based interventions [webinar]. In Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center Talks on Tuesday Webinar Series.  

Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2020, March 4). Dads matter: Why and how to include them in routines-based interventions Part 2 [webinar]. In Virginia Early Intervention Professional Development Center Talks on Tuesday Webinar Series.  

Schumaker-Murphy, M. (2019). Fathers’ experiences in early intervention. Poster presented at the 35th annual Council for Exceptional Children: Division for Early Childhood Conference in Dallas, TX.

Schumaker-Murphy, M., Hirsh, A. & Black, M. (2018). Designing effective ongoing professional development to improve early childhood anti-bias teacher practices: An organizational case study. Presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Learning Institute in Austin, TX.

Schumaker-Murphy, M., Gouker-Goldstein, L, & Tello, A. (2017). Effective transdisciplinary teaming when there are multiple significant disabilities.  Poster presented at the 33rd annual Council for Exceptional Children: Division for Early Childhood Conference in Portland, OR.