Nicole Sherf

Professional Details

Title Professor
Department World Languages and Cultures
Office Sullivan Building 204A
Phone 978.542.6468
Photo of Nicole Sherf

Recent and Upcoming Courses

EDC 764 Secondary Spanish Education 4+1 Pre-practicum I
EDC 765 Secondary Spanish Education 4+1 Pre-practicum II
EDC 782 Methods of Teaching Spanish I
EDC 783 Methods of Teaching Spanish II
EDC 794 Secondary Spanish Education Mat Pre-practicum
EDC 795 Secondary Spanish Education Mat Pre-practicum II
EDC 892P Student Teaching Practicum in Spanish (5-12)
EDC 892PS Practicum Seminar in Spanish Education
EDC 893P Student Teaching Practicum in Spanish (p-6)
EDG 950E Clinical Action Research in Teaching Elementary Spanish (p-6)
EDG 950S Clinical Action Research in Teaching Secondary Spanish (5-12)
FRE 303 French Conversation
GER 351 Advanced German Conversation
ITL 303 Italian Conversation
SPN 351 Advanced Conversational Spanish
SPN 501 Senior Seminar With Thesis
SPN 761 Research in Teaching Spanish (pre K-6)
SPN 762 Research in Teaching Spanish (5-12)

Professional Biography

Nicole Sherf graduated from Middlebury College in Vermont with a Doctorate in Modern Languages. Prior to coming to Salem State, she was the K-12 department chair and Spanish and French teacher at Manchester-Essex Regional School District. A long-time board member of the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association (MaFLA) and on the Steering Committee of the Language Opportunity Coalition (LOC), she is a world language advocate and a state and national presenter on topics of teaching, assessment and articulation.  She teaches classes in language and world language teaching methodology and supervises student teaching candidates.  She is the Secondary Education and Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish Coordinator.