Rosa Taormina

Professional Details

Title Senior Business Advisor
Department Small Business Development Center
Office Classroom Building 156
Phone 978.542.6640
Resume Rosa Taormina
Photo of Rosa Taormina

Professional Biography

Rosa joined Salem State University in July 2017 as an Administrative Assistant II in the Bertolon School of Business and was promoted to the role of Assistant Director of Operations, Assessment and Accreditation less than a year later. After helping the school achieve initial AACSB accreditation in December 2020, Rosa accepted a new position as a Business Advisor – CARES Act at the Massachusetts Small Business Development Center, where she is helping small business owners negatively impacted by COVID-19.

In addition to her role at the MSBDC, Rosa is also a resource for fellow union members, serving as president of the Salem Chapter's Association of Professional Administrators.

Rosa lives with her family in neighboring Beverly. A Connecticut native, Rosa has lived in Massachusetts for nearly two decades and tries very hard to get her children to pronounce the letter “r”.

Rosa holds a BA from Providence College and a JD from Massachusetts School of Law. In her spare time, she runs her own small business [Little Lemon Boutique] where she specializes in making and selling handmade goods.

Professional Interests

  • Small Business Development
  • Using Data to Inform Decisions
  • Streamlining Office Processes

Selected Publications

Shea-Van Fossen, Rita & Taormina, Rosa & LaCasse, JoDee. (2021). Selecting and using faculty data management software systems. Organization Management Journal. ahead-of print. 10.1108/OMJ-04-2021-1210

Selected Presentations

Taormina, R. D. and Marin-Zapata, S. (2021, March 8-11). Earning Your Ducks: Gaining Faculty Buy-In to AoL [Conference presentation]. AACSB 2021 Innovative Curriculum Conference, Virtual, United States.

Personal Interests

  • Small business ownership
  • Sewing and other forms of needlepoint
  • Gardening
  • Handcrafting and selling goods at