Sara Moore

Professional Details

Title Chairperson
Department Sociology
Office Meier Hall 335B
Phone 978.542.2795
Resume Sara Moore
Photo of Sara Moore

Recent and Upcoming Courses

SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 110H Introduction to Sociology-honors
SOC 208 Sociological Theory Ii: Contemporary Theory
SOC 217 Gender and Society
SOC 218 Sexuality and Society
SOC 232 Marriage, Family, and Intimate Relationships
SOC 349 Health, Illness, and the Body
SOC 382 Seminar: Topics in Sociology
SOC 390 Community Involvement
SOC 420 Internship in Sociology
SOC 430 Directed Study in Sociology
SOC 470 Capstone Seminar in Sociology

Professional Biography

Sara Moore is Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology at Salem State University. With a background in public sociology, Moore encourages her students to collaborate with community partners beyond the university to identify and examine social inequalities and create meaningful social change. In valuing multiple forms of local and expert knowledge, Moore’s approach builds bridges between universities, community organizations, and community members. Moore has worked with students and communities on issues like civic engagement, health equity, education, and food justice. Her work has been published in the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Humanity and Society, and the International Journal of Sociology of the Family.

Moore is a member of several councils and committees in Salem, including the Food Policy Council and the Board of Health, where she serves as chairperson. In 2020, she was named to Diverse magazine's list of 35 Outstanding Women in Higher Education. In 2022, she was inducted into Salem State's Civic Engagement Hall of Fame. Moore earned a B.S. in sociology from Shepherd University, an M.A. in sociology from The New School, and a Ph.D. in sociology from George Mason University.

Professional Interests

Community-Based Participatory Research

Family and Intimate Relationships

Feminist Approaches to Social Science Research


Public and Applied Sociology

Qualitative Research Methods


Sexual and Reproductive Health

Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity


Department Chairperson

Alpha Kappa Delta Chapter Representative

Selected Publications

2024. Moore, Sara B. “Intersectionality.” In Abby Reiter, Miranda Reiter, and Victoria Kurdyla (Editors). An Introduction to Sociological Theory: Concepts and Applications. Kendall Hunt Publishers: Dubuque, IA.

2021. Vincent, Cindy S., Sara Moore, Cynthia Lynch, Jacob Lefker, and Robert Awkward. “Critically-Engaged Civic Learning: A Comprehensive Restructuring of Service-Learning Approaches.”  Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.

2019. Moore, Sara B. and Cindy S. Vincent, “Moving Beyond the ‘Me’ Generation:  Collaboration and Community-Engaged Scholarship among Millennial Faculty.”  In Michael G. Strawser (Editor).  Leading Millennial Faculty: Navigating the New Professoriate.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2017. Moore, Sara B. “Motherhood.” In Bryan Turner, Chang Kyung-Sup, Cynthia Epstein, Peter Kivisto, William Outhwaite, and J. Michael Ryan (Editors). Encyclopedia of Social Theory. London: Wiley-Blackwell. 

2012. Moore, Sara B. "Reproductive Issues." In James Ciment and Christopher Bates (Editors). Global Social Issues: An Encyclopedia. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.

2011. Moore, Sara B. "Reclaiming the Body, Birthing at Home: Knowledge, Power, and Control in Childbirth." Humanity & Society 35:376-389.

2010. Davis, Shannon N. and Sara B. Moore. "Bearing Children, Becoming Women: The Influence of Childbearing on Women's Gender Ideologies." International Journal of Sociology of the Family 26:77-91.

Selected Presentations

2023. Moore, Sara B., Miguel Montalva Barba, and Mathew Chetnik. “Fostering Community Through an LGBTQIA+ Learning Community for First-Year Students.” Presented at the Annual Conference on the First Year Experience, Los Angeles, CA.

2021. Vincent, Cindy S., Cynthia Lynch, and Sara B. Moore. “The Future of Service-Learning: Why Are We Still Using This Language?” Presented at the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement Conference. (Held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

2021. Moore, Sara B. “Using Photovoice and Other Participatory Methods to Engage Youth in Food Justice and Health Equity Research.” Presented at the International School Health Education Conference. (Held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

2020. Lynch, Cynthia, Sara B. Moore, and Robert Awkward.  “Equitable Collaboration that Promotes Student Success, Personal Responsibility, and the Public Good.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC.

2019. Moore, Sara B. “Promoting Civic Learning, Civic Engagement, and Social Change through Critically-Engaged Civic Learning.” Presented at the Corporation for National and Community Service Office of Research and Evaluation Research Summit, Crystal City, VA.

2019. Moore, Sara B., Cynthia Lynch, Jake Lefker, and Cindy Vincent.  “Rethinking Service Learning: Using Critically-Engaged Civic Learning to Promote Student Learning and Meaningful Social Change.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA.

Personal Interests

Gardening, stained glass, horror movies.