Title | Professor |
Department | Geography and Sustainability |
Office | Meier Hall 326F |
Phone | 978.542.6042 |
steven.silvern@salemstate.edu |
FYGE 100 | First Year Seminar (geography) |
GPH 110 | World Regions: Global Patterns, Local Lives |
GPH 252 | Native American Lands and Environments |
GPH 302 | Geographic Research |
GPH 350 | Geographies of the Holocaust |
GPH 375 | Food, Drink and the Environment |
GPH 400 | Directed Study in Geography |
GPH 600H | Honors Directed Study in Geography |
B.A. Clark University
M.A. University of Illinois-Urbana
Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
I am a cultural-political geographer whose primary research interests have centered on Native American geographies, geography of food systems, connections between environmental sustainability and religion, and Jewish geographies. Part of my research focuses upon mapping the food systems of Massachusetts and promoting food security and local food systems. I recently completed an edited book project on religion, sustainability and place. I authored a paper on the Jewish food movement as part of this project. This project is unique in that it will focus on issues relating social justice, food justice and community identity to local and sustainable food systems. I am now turning my attention to the intersection of religious and spiritual belief systems with climate change and climate change activism.
NESTVAL AAG Regional Councilor (2022-2025)
AAG Publications Committee Chair (2023-2025)
GORABS AAG Board (2018-2025)
Faculty Advisor, SSU Sustainability Council (2020-2023)
Executive Editor, The Northeastern Geographer, Journal of the New England-St.Lawrence Valley Geographical Society (NESTVAL-AAG). Annual Peer Reviewed Journal. Volume 1-13 (2010-2022)
Religion, Sustainability and Place: Moral Geographies of the Anthropocene (eds.) Steven Silvern and Edward Davis. Palgrave McMillian. January 2021. https://www.springer.com/us/book/9789811576454
“The Jewish Food Movement: A Sustainable and Just Vision for Place, Identity, and Environment” in Religion, Sustainability and Place: Moral Geographies of the Anthropocene (eds.) Steven Silvern and Edward Davis. Palgrave McMillian. January 2021.
S. Silvern. "Native American Resurgence and Scales of Identity," in Scales of Identity. eds. Guntram Herb and David Kaplan. Rowman and Littlefield. 2018.
S. Silvern. “American Indian Treaties: A Guide to Ratified and Unratified Colonial, United States, State, Foreign, and Intertribal Treaties and Agreements, 1607–1911.” David H. DeJong. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2015, American Indian Culture and Research Journal: 40, 4: 131-133 (2017).
S.Silvern, "Collaborative Learning" in Encyclopedia of On-Line Learning, ed. Steven Danver. Sage Reference Publications. 2016.
S. Silvern, "Re-ordering the Geography of Indian Country: Historical Geographies of Removal, Reservations and Assimilation," in North American Odyssey: Historical Geographies for the Twenty-First Century, eds. Craig Colten and Timothy Buckley, Rowman and Littlefield, March 2014.
S. Silvern, "Red Power Movement" and "Native American Sovereignty" entries in Encyclopedia of Politics of the American West, (ed.) Steven Danver. Sage Reference Publications. June 2013.
S. Silvern and S.S. Young (eds.) Environmental Change and Sustainability. InTech Open Access Publisher, May 2013 http://www.intechopen.com/books/environmental-change-and-sustainability
Food to Table: Mapping Alternative and Local Food in Massachusetts, in Food: An Atlas, February 2013 Community Supported Fisheries in Massachusetts, In Food: An Atlas, February 2013 http://guerrillacartography.net/home.htm
Executive Editor, The Northeastern Geographer, Vol. 3-9 (2011- ), Journal of the New England-St.Lawrence Valley Geographical Society (NESTVAL-AAG). Annual Peer Reviewed Journal. see links to nestval at www.aag.org
Sustainable Development; Native Hunting and Fishing Rights; Chippewa: The Encyclopedia of Native Peoples, Ed. Stephen Danvers, M.E. Sharpe, 2012.
Young, S.S. and S. Silvern (eds.) International Perspectives on Global Environmental Change, InTech Open Access Publisher. ISBN 979-953-307-109-0, 2012
“Global Climate Change On-Line Learning Module,” AAG On-Line Center for Global Geography Education. With Chew Hung and Colin Arrowsmith. Available at: http://globalgeography.aag.org/GlobalClimateChange1e/index.html 2010
Co-Editor (Lead), The Northeastern Geographer, Vol 1-2. (2009-2010), Journal of the New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society (NESTVAL-AAG). Annual Peer Reviewed Journal.
“Indian Harvesting Practices in the Midwest,” The American Mid-West, Indiana University Press, 2006.
“State-Centrism, the Equal Footing Doctrine and the Historical Legal-Geographies of American Indian Treaty Rights,” Historical Geography, Fall 2002 (30): 33-58.
“States, Tribes, the EPA and the Territorial Politics of Environmental Protection.” In States and Tribes, (eds.) Brad Bays and Erin Fouberg. Lamham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2002.
“Reclaiming the Reservation: The Geopolitics of Wisconsin Anishinaabe Natural Resource Rights,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 2000 (24): 131-153.
“Progress in Forest Resource Management on Native American Indian Reservations,” Native Assets Research Center Research Report #1, (Fredericksburg, VA: First Nations Development Institute), Summer 2000.
"Scales of Justice: Law, American Indian Treaty Rights and the Political Construction of Scale,” Political Geography 1999 (18): 639-668.
"The Geography of Ojibwe Treaty Rights in Northern Wisconsin." In Wisconsin Land and Life, (eds.) Robert Ostergren and Thomas Vale. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1997.
"Nature, Territory and Identity in the Wisconsin Treaty Rights Controversy." Ecumene. 1995(2): 267-292.
2023 Farm to Campus: Preliminary Results from a National Survey
w/GIS Graduate Student Natasha Farina and Undergraduate Christy Ditommaso
Salem State Faculty/Graduate Student Research Day, May 2023.
2022. Executive Editor, The Northeastern Geographer, Journal of the New England-St.Lawrence Valley Geographical Society (NESTVAL-AAG). Annual Peer Reviewed Journal. Volume 1-13 (2010-2022)
2018 Place, Identity and Justice in the Jewish Food Movement,
Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, LA
April 13, 2018.
2017 Hunger on Campus? Study of Food Insecurity at Salem State University, Poster Presentation, with undergraduates Natasha Manyak, Ashley Walsh. Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, Boston, MA April 2017.
2016 Food Justice/Injustice in Springfield, MA. Poster Presentation, with Krystal Carpentieri (GIS Masters Student) Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, 2016 San Francisco, CA, April 2016.
2014 Contesting Patrimony: Native Americans and the (re) construction of heritage-scapes” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, (AAG), Tampa (April 2014):
2013 Place, Identity and The New Jewish Food Movement: 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 1, 2013
2013 “Mapping the Local Food Web of New England”. (with Jessica Silveri), Faculty and Graduate Student Research Day, Salem State University, May 2, 2013.
2013 Boat to Table: The Emerging Geography of Community Supported Fisheries (with Jessica Silveri), Poster Presentation, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA April 2013.
2012 Mapping the Massachusetts Food System: Preliminary Results, with Milan Budhathoki (graduate research assistant). Poster Presentation, Faculty and Graduate Student Research Day, Salem State University, May 3, 2012.
2012 The Alternative Food Movement and the Changing Agri-Food Geography of Massachusetts, 1985-2011. With Milan Budhathoki (graduate research assistant). Poster Presentation, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, NY. February 2012
2010 Local Food, Local Farms: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Sustainability, Meeting of the International Geographical Union Congress, Tel Aviv, Israel; July 2010
2009 The Global Climate Change Module of the Center for Global Geography Education Project,
105th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, NV. March 22-
27, 2009. (with Colin Arrowsmith)
2008 Paranoid Nationalism and the Geographical Imaginings of the Modern Anti-Indian Movement in
the United States. 104th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston,
MA. April 14-19, 2008.
2008 Discussant, Indigenous Peoples and Tourism Panel, 104th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, MA. April 14-19, 2008.
2007 Collaborative Teaching and Learning in Introductory Geography Courses, Annual Meeting of the
New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society, New Haven, CT. Nov. 2-4, 2007
2007 Decolonizing American Indian Geographies. Presidential Plenary Session (invited speaker). Annual Meeting of the Assoc. of Pacific Coast Geographers, Long Beach, CA. Oct. 19, 2007.