Tess Killpack

Professional Details

Title Associate Professor
Department Biology
Office Meier Hall 247
Phone 978.542.3085
Email tess.killpack@salemstate.edu
Photo of Tess Killpack

Recent and Upcoming Courses

BIO 131 Introduction to Organisms
BIO 419 Portfolio Seminar
BIO 461 Introduction to Dna Barcoding
BIO 761 Dna Barcoding and Application
EDC 730 Secondary Science Education 4+1 Pre-practicum I
EDC 778 Methods of Teaching Secondary Science I
EDC 888P Practicum Experience in Secondary Science
EDC 888PS Practicum Seminar in Teaching Secondary Science
FYBI 100 First Year Seminar (biology)

Professional Interests

Skill-building in Introductory Biology, Active and Inclusive Pedagogy, Faculty Professional Development for Inclusive Pedagogy


Biology Professor, Lead Faculty for Biology Secondary Education, Biological Systems (BIO105) Course Coordinator

Selected Publications

Killpack TL & TR Popolizio. 2023. An Equity-Focused Redesign of an Introductory Organismal Biology Lab Course to Develop Foundational Scientific Practices. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.1128/jmbe.00213-22. [Contribution to Special Series on “Scientific Literacy”]

Popolozio TR, Killpack TL. 2021. A Remote-Learning Framework for Student Research Projects: Using Datasets to Teach Experimental Design, Data Analysis and Science Communication.CourseSource. https://doi.org/10.24918/cs.2021.27

Killpack TL, SM Fulmer, et al. 2020. Increased Scaffolding and Inquiry in an Introductory Biology Lab Enhance Experimental Design Skills and Sense of Scientific Ability. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, 21(2): 21.2.56. doi: 10.1128/jmbe.v21i2.2143.

Killpack, TL and LC Melón. 2020. First-Day Info Sheets: A Tool to Prompt Semester-Long Inclusive Teaching. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. 21(1):21.1.14. DOI: 10.1128/jmbe.v21i1.1983. [Contribution to special Issue on “Inclusive Education”]

Killpack TL & Fulmer, SM. 2018. Development of a Tool to Assess Interrelated Experimental Design in Introductory Biology. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. vol. 19 no. 3. doi:10.1128/jmbe.v19i3.1627.

Fassbinder-Orth CA1, TL Killpack1, DS Goto*, EL Rainwater, VI Shearn-Bochsler. 2018. High costs of infection: Alphavirus infection reduces digestive function and bone and feather growth in nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus). PLoS ONE 13(4): e0195467. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0195467. [1Co-first authors]

Killpack TL, Ballesteros M, Bunnell SC, Bedugnis A, Kobzik L, Hu LT, Petnicki-Ocwieja T. 2017. Phagocytic Receptors Activate Syk and Src Signaling during Borrelia burgdorferi Phagocytosis.
Infection & Immunity: 85(10). pii: e00004-17. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00004-17.

Killpack, TL and Melón LC. 2017. “Towards inclusive STEM classrooms: What personal role do faculty play?” CBE Life Sciences Education, vol. 15 no. 3 es3. doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-01-0020.

Petnicki-Ocwieja T, Kern A, Killpack TL, Bunnell SC, and Hu LT. 2015. Adaptor Protein-3–Mediated Trafficking of TLR2 Ligands Controls Specificity of Inflammatory Responses but Not Adaptor Complex Assembly. Journal of Immunology. 195:4331-4340.

Killpack, TL, E Carrel*, WH Karasov. 2015. Impacts of short-term food restriction on immune function and growth in altricial House Sparrow nestlings. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 88:195-207. [Contribution to Focused Issue on “Developmental Physiology”]

Killpack, TL, D Nan Tie*, WH Karasov. 2014. Body composition and adaptive immune function in Zebra Finches following compensatory growth. The Auk: Ornithological Advances 131:396-406.

Killpack, TL, Y Oguchi*, WH Karasov. 2013. Ontogenetic patterns of constitutive immune parameters in altricial House Sparrows. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 513-520. [Selected as “Editor’s Choice” for November 2013]

Killpack, TL and WH Karasov. 2012. Ontogeny of adaptive antibody response to a model antigen in captive altricial Zebra Finches. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47294.

Killpack, TL and WH Karasov. 2012. Growth and development of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) in response to chronic food restriction throughout the nestling period. Journal of Experimental Biology 215:1806-1815.

Kara, EL, C Heimerl, T Killpack, MC Van de Bogert, H Yoshida, SR Carpenter. 2012. Assessing a decade of phosphorus management in the Lake Mendota, Wisconsin watershed and scenarios for enhanced phosphorus management. Aquatic Sciences 74: 241-253.

Selected Presentations


Killpack T, Sandoval C, Dewsbury B. June 2023. Deep Teaching Residency: A faculty development community for inclusive practices. ASCN/APLU Transforming Institutions Conference. Oral presentation.

Haswell M, Killpack T, Dewsbury B, Urry L, Blumer S. March 2023. Curriculum Intervention for Anti-Racism in Biology. 3rd Annual National Association of Biology Teachers Inclusive Teaching Symposium. Virtual oral presentation.

Dewsbury BM & TL Killpack. July 2022. Deep Teaching Residency. 2022 ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE). Virtual oral presentation.

Killpack, TL & T. Popolizio. July 2021. Course Redesign to Scaffold Research Skill-building in Introductory Biology Labs. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) annual meeting. Virtual Poster.

Killpack, TL & T. Popolizio. January 2021. Online research projects: Using datasets to teach experimental design, data analysis and science communication. MA PKAL Winter Meeting. Hosted virtually by Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. Oral Presentation.

Killpack, TL & T. Popolizio. February 2020. Embedding authentic inquiry and skill-building into Introductory Organismal Biology labs. Sigma Xi North Shore Chapter Meeting. Endicott College, Beverly, MA. Oral Presentation.

Killpack, TL & T. Popolizio. June 2019. Embedding authentic inquiry and skill-building into Introductory Organismal Biology labs. MA PKAL Summer Meeting. North Adams, MA. Oral Presentation.

Killpack, TL & T. Popolizio. May 2019. Embedding authentic inquiry and skill-building into Introductory Organismal Biology labs. Salem State Pearls & Perils Conference. Salem, MA. Oral Presentation.

Dewsbury B & TL Killpack. January 2019. Awareness of self and student in inclusive pedagogy’ at Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER)-West annual meeting. Irvine, CA. Workshop.

Fassbinder-Orth, C., T. Killpack, D. Goto*, E. Rainwater, V. Shearn-Bochsler. January 2018. High costs of infection: Alphavirus infection reduces digestive function and bone and feather growth in nestling birds. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting, San Francisco, CA. Oral presentation.

Killpack, TL & SM Fulmer. July 2018. The Development of a Tool to Assess Student Growth in Experimental Design Skills in an Introductory Biology Course. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) annual meeting. Minneapolis, MN. Poster.

Killpack, TL & SM Fulmer. July 2017. Investigating the impacts of an inquiry-focused redesign of Organismal Biology labs. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) annual meeting. Minneapolis, MN. Poster.

Killpack, TL & Melón, LC. January 2017. Faculty Professional Development for Inclusive STEM Classrooms. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. Oral presentation.



“Deep-Teaching Residency” 5-day intensive faculty workshop. June 2023. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. With Joshua Caulkins, Bryan Dewsbury, Mays Imad, Susannah McGowan, Carolyn Sandoval, Anna Santucci.

“Deep-Teaching Residency” 5-day intensive faculty workshop. July 2022. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. With Joshua Caulkins, Bryan Dewsbury, Mays Imad, Susannah McGowan, Carolyn Sandoval, Anna Santucci.

“Grading for Equity” faculty workshop. May 2022. Equity in Teaching: SSU Faculty Development Forum. Salem State University.

“First-Day Info Sheets.” January 2022. Center for Teaching Innovation Faculty Roundtable: Welcoming. Salem State University.

“Scaffolding assessments to enhance skill-building and equity in Introductory Biology.” November 2021. Center for Teaching Innovation Faculty Roundtable Engaging Design for Equitable Teaching: Assessment. Salem State University.

“Deep Teaching DePauw” 4-day online faculty workshop. Summer 2021. DePauw University. With Bryan Dewsbury and Carolyn Sandoval.

“Increased Scaffolding and Inquiry in Introductory Biology Lab Enhance Experimental Design Skills and Sense of Scientific Ability.” 2021.  Invited Webinar for JMBE LIVE! Series hosted by the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education. With Sara M. Fulmer.

“Using Google Slides to organize a live session” faculty workshop. December 2020. Seminar of Awesomeness: Celebrating successes, sharing lessons learned fall 2020. Salem State University.

“Toward Inclusive Academic Environments in STEM” invited webinar presentation. 2020. University of Alabama. With Laverne C. Melón.

“Inclusive Teaching” invited webinar presentation. 2020. University of Rhode Island.

“Deep-Teaching Residency II: The Revolution will be Backwards-Designed” 4-day online faculty workshop. Summer 2020. With Bryan Dewsbury, Mays Imad, Susannah McGowan, Carolyn Sandoval, Anna Santucci.

“Deep-Teaching Residency” 4-day intensive faculty workshop. January 2020. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. With Bryan Dewsbury, Mays Imad, Susannah McGowan, Carolyn Sandoval, Anna Santucci.