Title | Professor |
Department | Politics, Policy and International Relations |
Office | Meier Hall 333D |
Phone | 978.542.7180 |
vanessa.ruget@salemstate.edu |
FYPO 100 | First Year Seminar (political Science) |
POL 101 | Understanding the Political World |
POL 271 | Introduction to Comparative Politics |
POL 334 | The Practice and Politics of Philanthropy |
POL 371 | Women in Politics |
POL 384 | Democracy and Dictatorship |
POL 500 | Directed Study in Political Science |
POL 600H | Honors Directed Study in Political Science |
Ph.D. in political science, University of Bordeaux, France, 2000
Program Chair (2021) and President (2022) Northeastern Political Science Association
Past appointments:
Lecturer, OSCE Academy in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Jan - May 07
Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, Wheaton College, Fall 06
Summer School Instructor, Mitrovica, Kosovo, July 06
Lecturer, Bentley College (MA), Sept. 2005-May 2006
Lecturer, American University - Central Asia, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Sept 02 - June 04
Post-doctoral research fellow, University of Virginia, 2001 - Aug 02
Lecturer, University of Bordeaux (France), Master's program in political science, Sept 99 - June 01
Grants and Fellowships
Fulbright Flex Research Award for Kyrgyzstan (2017-2019)
Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation 2014 and 2019
Salem State University Summer Research Grant (2010), SEED Grant (2013), Summer Teaching Grant (2017), and Scholarship Support Grant (2020)
National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, 2010 Short Term Travel Grant (2010)
IREX 2010 Short Term Travel Grant (declined)
Best paper Award, Northeastern Political Science Association, Women’s Caucus (2008)
Open Society Institute, Kyrgyzstan (2002-04)
French Minister of Foreign Affairs, post-doctoral Lavoisier Fellowship (2001 -02)
APSA, International Participant Grant, annual meeting, 2001
Center of California (Bordeaux), University of California, Berkeley (summer 1997)
Rotary International Foundation, Ambassadorial Scholar Program, MIT (1998 - 99)
Labor migration from Central Asia to Russia, citizenship, Kyrgyzstan, democratization
- 2022. “Migration, Transnationalism, and Citizenship in Kyrgyzstan.” In: Ajaya Kumar Sahoo (editor). Routledge Handbook of Asian Transnationalism. London and New York: Routledge.
- 2022. “Media Coverage of Labor Migrants in Russia During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Problems of Post-Communism 69(1): 48-57.
- 2021. (with Burul Usmanalieva). "Migration and Soft Power: How Kyrgyz Labor Migrants View Russia." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 54 (4): 98–116.
- 2019. (with Burul Usmanalieva). “Can Smartphones Empower Labor Migrants? The case of Kyrgyzstani migrants in Russia.” Central Asian Survey 38 (2): 165-180.
-2019. “Crowdfunding in the Classroom.” Currents in Teaching and Learning 11 (1): 54-66.
- 2018. “Name the Republic that Was Joined to Russia in 2014.” Russia’s new civics and history test for migrants." Nationalities Papers 46 (1): 20-33.
- 2014 (with Kristen Hudak Rosero). "What’s New? Assessing the effectiveness of current events assignments." Currents in Teaching and Learning 6 (20).
- 2014. "Citizenship in Central Asia." in: Isin, E. F & Peter Nyers (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Global Citizenship Studies.
- 2011. (with Burul Usmanalieva). "Social and Political Transnationalism among Central Asian Migrants and Return Migrants: a Case Study of Kyrgyzstan." Problems of Post-Communism 58 (6): 48-60.
- 2010. (with Burul Usmanalieva). How much is Citizenship Worth? A case study of Kyrgyzstani migrants. Citizenship Studies 14 (4): 445-459.
- 2010. La science politique aux États-Unis et en Europe. In A. Cohen, B. Lacroix & P. Riutort (ed.), Nouveau Manuel de Science Politique, La Decouverte, Paris.
- 2009. (with Alan Haye). La Science Politique Américaine (American Political Science). Les Cahiers Français, La Documentation française.
- 2008. (with Burul Usmanalieva). "Citizenship, Migration and Loyalty Towards the State: A Case Study of the Kyrgyzstani Migrants in Russia and Kazakhstan." Central Asian Survey 27 (2): 129-141.
- 2007. (with Burul Usmanalieva): "The Impact of State Weakness on Citizenship: A Case Study of Kyrgyzstan." Communist and Post Communist Studies 40 (4): 441-458.
- 2008. "The Challenges of Teaching Political Science in Non-Democratic Regimes/" UCFV Research Review 2 (1).
- 2007. "Social Rights and Citizenship in Kyrgyzstan: A Communitarian Perspective." In Theorizing Social Change in Post-Socialist Societies: some critical perspectives, Peter Lang, Bern.
- 2006. "Civic Education in France and in the United States, Comparative Perspectives." Social Science Journal 43: 19-34.
- 2004. "L’Université Américaine: Une Institution en Crise." Egalités 50.
- 2002. "Scientific Capital and American Political Science". New Political Science 24 (3).
- 2002. "La Neutralité Désengagée de la Science Politique Américaine?" Questions de Communication 3.
- 2001. "L'Engagement Politique des Politistes Américains." Regards Sociologiques 22: 81-96.
I present regularly at political science conferences in the United States and abroad. I also frequently serve as a reviewer for journal manuscripts, most recently for the Nationalities Papers, International Migration Review, Citizenship Studies, Central Asian Survey, Demokratizatsiya, and PS: Political Science and Politics.